Sunday, May 6, 2007



Well, hi there. Thanks for stopping by. Before I start, a bit about me:

As you probably guessed from my URL, I'm attending the University of Michigan's Ross School of Business starting this Fall 2007. I'm 27 years old, single, male, and have worked for the past 5+ years as an IT consultant for the DoD. I did my undergrad in Computer Science. Exciting stuff, I know.

I started my blog because I hope to help future and current MBA aspirants with their dreams and goal..Err, not really, I'm just joking. Really, I am writing this blog mostly out of boredom (been officially unemployed for a week now! Feels great). Also, hopefully writing this blog will help me express my thoughts and feelings better - something which I think I should improve on in preparation for MBA school and beyond.

A quick note about my blog title - Fellowship of the MBA. Honestly, it doesn't make much sense. I just picked it because I am a LoTR fan and because it sounded kind of cool. As you can tell, I'm not really clever.

In the next few posts, I hope to express my thoughts on the GMAT, the application process, schools, and life in general. Would love to read your comments and feedback. This is my first time me and my deluded sense of self-importance is venturing out onto the Internets (in the form of a blog, at least), so bear with me!